
Guiding Priniciples

2010 Santa Barbara Handball Tournament

Guiding Principles of the Youth Safety Partnership

  • Remain as convener in the south coast to facilitate coordination, blending of resources, and partnerships by the agencies that serve youth in at risk situations.
  • Advocate for and value the importance of a collective community effort.
  • Provide opportunities for youth in at risk situations and parents to provide input.
  • Advocate for client specific services based on the individual needs of youth and their families.
  • Advocate for a full range of comprehensive services to youth in at risk situations.
  • Advocate for the needs of male and female youth susceptible to victimization.
  • Advocate for evidence-based and promising programs that can be evaluated for program outcomes.
  • Advocate for prevention, and intervention services to youth in at risk situations.
  • Advocate for prevention, intervention, and enforcement services for male and female youth in or at risk of becoming involved in gangs.
  • Be patient, youth problems did not develop suddenly and solutions will not be accomplished overnight.